Tarkanian Better Than McKalip

The Record Courier

June 5, 2024

Tarkanian better than McKalip


Jim McKalip has made comments that Danny Tarkanian has not done much in the fight for the citizens about Painted Rock Mine. From personal experience with Mr. Tarkanian, I strongly disagree.

From the beginning he has always promptly gotten back to me anytime I have reached out to him. He has met with me and my neighbors on several occasions to discuss the matter.  He has reached out to people in positions of authority for information and has offered several possible solutions.

According to Jim McKalip, there is not much that can be done.  While it will be a fight, Mr. Tarkanian is willing to proceed and try to stop this from happening.

Jim McKalip has also stated that he is in favor of expanding the Minden Tahoe Airport and adding a tower. This strongly goes against the wishes of the residents of this valley.

Through a personal meeting with him I came away with the sense that he is an establishment politician that may not put the needs of the citizens of Douglas County first and should not be elected to the Board of County Commissioners.

Jim Jackson

Johnson Lane

©2025 Tarkanian for Douglas County Commissioner

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